Thursday, June 7, 2007


It's absolutely amazing how quickly the last 7 months have passed. As I sit here trying to collect all my thoughts about this next summer, I realize it is practically impossible. There is simply too much. Just in case you have the same question as everyone else I have talked to... yes, I am getting excited to go back into the land of rain forests, mountain tops, and mosquitoes. But not in the "yippee" sense of the word, but more of the "ohhhhhhhhhh we go again" sense. If this is too vague, then as a Texan would say....tough. Because frankly every minute I spend preparing for this summer contains a different, borderline-unexplainable, emotion. The only constant I rely upon is that my entire beyond experience so far has had Christ's fingerprints all over it. Simon Peter explained it the best at the end of John 6, when Jesus asked why the 12 disciples hadn't deserted, he said, "Lord, to whom would we go? you alone have the words that give eternal life. We believe them, and we know you are the Holy One of God." In the same way I know that my body would love to sit by the side of a pool all summer in Hawaii, but my soul has tasted of something deeper. And so I go back to the mountains in hopes of drawing closer into relationship with Him.

I am trying desperately to keep this post honest and to the point. I find all too often I spend too much energy on trying to write a Pulitzer letter when I should simply be transcribing the story that Christ brings about in my life. And so I bring forth a promise and a proposal. I'll keep these posts short and blatantly honest, and you send me at LEAST one letter. I would challenge you all to write me one letter a week but lets be honest...summer life is hard and writing a half page a week by hand is simply just simply an impossible feat (especially for you college students on break). Oh and good news, it is proven that we also are able to receive care packages up there, so all of you who felt bad about not being able to send those big packages are more the welcome to ship them through:)

packages or letters...

Ben Creelman
c/o Beyond Malibu
PO Box 49
Egmont, BC V0N 1N0

In all honesty though, I am hardly exaggerating when I say that every letter I get up there is worth it's weight in gold to me. I can't thank you enough for all of your prayers and support, it means the world to me.

1 comment:

Amy McMurtrey said...

It was so good to talk to you tonight friend! Blessings on your summer and prayers too. I am sorry that I will not be able to write from Africa.