Tuesday, July 22, 2008

There is an Oswald Chambers quote that says something to the effect that the mountain doesn’t teach us something, the mountain makes us something. I’d be really curious to look from the outside and see what I am being made into, because from the inside I feel a whirlwind of emotions, struggles and triumphs.

First things first. I left you all hanging on the news that once again I was going to go into the mountains as a guide. Despite having some of the most extreme weather I have had, (needing all 11 trip participants to set up a single tent because of the high winds/ rain) , it was one of the most supportive/encouraging trips I have been on. It was a father/son/friend trip with a broad mix of personalities, but every single one was supportive of me and my guide partner and happy to be there. (It still blows my mind that one of their favorite times on the trip was in the middle of the rain/wind storm because of how I’d pushed and stretched them)

One of the most supportive members on the trip was a South African Doctor who absolutely ate everything up. Think of the mix between the enthusiasm of Jim Pittis, the interpersonal connection of Milly Ware, and the calmness/smile of Don Hafercamp. Needless to say he and the rest of the trip members all rejuvenated my excitement for being on a Beyond trip.

On the base camp side of things, Mt. Pride continues to be a formidable peak. I am constantly learning lessons in humility, leadership and in followership? Well maybe not lessons, maybe just growth opportunities.

Its crazy how time races by here. Always something to see, think about, double-check…etc. It is becoming quite apparent that I’m not going to be able to indefinitely put off the rest of my life thus I’m thinking more and more about what the fall may bring.

Well, sorry this is all I have for now.
Until next time.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

July 9, 2008

I’m pretty sure a key component of growth is change. Just when I get to a point where I feel semi-ready for my job, bam. Role-reversal. Guess who is guiding the next Mt. Albert trip? That’s right, yours truly. Because of the large volume of trips and the conversely small amount of guides, I have been called out of retirement to once again strap on my hiking boots. (Don’t worry mom, by the time you get this I’ll probably be back in my warm bunk). It’s been interesting to watch my progression in attitudes concerning this next trip. At first I wanted nothing to do with guiding again…I had spent enough time and energy learning my new role that I wasn’t keen on re-hashing old lessons learned. Then after going on two recons in the last week my body is definitely feeling a desire for rest. But despite all these hesitations, I’m excited to once again be on the front lines. I’m excited to see if and/or how God will touch this trip. I can’t think of a better group dynamic or route that I would rather be given…It’s a father/son/friend trip lead by a man of similar character to Ernie on a route that leaves a lot of time for content. So needless to say, I’m excited to see what comes.

Well its 9 o’clock at night and time for me to start my shift of the all night gear drying session in what we affectionately call “the sauna”. I love wet tents.

I look forward to seeing and hearing from you all.

Love, Ben

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

June 28, 2008

It blows me away how no matter how you come to this place, and no matter what you do here, given the slightest chance, God will stretch you. I have to apologize for not writing sooner, but my mind and body have been going at full tilt since I've gotten here. I carry a radio, a book of jobs, behind the scenes info, and I attend leadership meetings, ...but I feel the only reason that people let me lead them is out of grace alone. Every time I turn around I feel as if I'm learning a new lesson in my job, leadership and general living. I don't know if its foolishness to hope that this will change to any less frequency or if I should just learn to accept this mindset for the rest of my life.

Well enough of the reflective/introspective mumbo-shumumbo. In other news, Mackenzie (Ben's 2 year old, cousins’ daughter who is spending the summer in base camp) continually steals the heart of the camp with her sponge like vocabulary, literally adopting any word the moment it is said to her. My personal favorites include Narcolepsy, Bioluminescence, and "Rock on, dude".

It's a rich experience being on this side of the mountains, watching the new guides go through the same things I did. I'm excited to sit down with those whom I'm closest with and be an ear to them, not that I would have any mind-blowing insights to offer, but simply that I could be a source of hope?...no I'll call it a source of perseverance.

I feel a familiarity with the fact that, once again, I know I'm leaving out a myriad of details and stories. But in reality most of my attempts would fall remarkably short of properly sharing the depth and breadth of my experiences so far...and the summer hasn't technically started for us. But suffice it to say I love my staff and I love my job and I look forward to seeing God in real personal ways. I love you all and look forward to seeing you / hearing from you.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Building Proper Foundations

Well folks,

Every great saga has three parts: Star Wars, Back to the future, Indiana Jones (lets just forget that last movie), Lord of the Rings…the list goes on and on. So needless to say it is only fair that if I’m going to have a good story for my grand-kids, then I just have to head up North again.

The last two years I’ve been a mountain guide, but this year my official title this summer at Beyond Malibu (check out www.beyondmalibu.org) is Male Base Camp Coordinator. Basically that means I'm the guy that assigns work projects to the staff when they're in basecamp. So needless to say, I'm expecting this summer to be vastly different that my last two.... in situation only. I'm afraid I won't be writing tales of mountain tops, glaciers, or breathtaking views; but alas a constant theme threaded through all three of my summers is the fact that indeed I will be playing a key role in these stories. As such I foresee a myriad of opportunities for challenge and growth that will inevitably stem from my--incredibly human like qualities. I wouldn't be surprised if humility, patience, endurance, and grace will be my peaks to climb this summer. I can only hope that those around me will be willing to put up with all my trips, stumbles, and full on falls that undoubtedly will come.

Nonetheless I eagerly look forward to playing my small role at beyond this summer as a support for others who get to go through an experience that has already been so transformational in my own life. More so than in any other time in my life, there is a wall of question marks that await me on the other side of this summer. With college now behind me, I'll be off to the races...I just wish someone would show me where the starting line is and which way to run.

In very short hindsight, this is an amazing choreography of events; at the time when the future is most unclear, I have in front of me one solid, basic, simple step: Serve others in a way that brings the focus back on Jesus. I don’t have a 20 year plan or a big promotion to shoot for—just this one aim into which I am to pour all of myself. I can think of no better way to start off the rest of my life.

Time now for my shameless plug….write me.

Ben Creelman
c/o Beyond Malibu
PO Box 49
Egmont, BC V0N 1N0

I know it’s hard to lift up that heavy pen, and buy that expensive stamp, and lick that dreaded envelope. But in all reality, your letters are comparatively much more valuable to me than a t-bone steak is to a bloodhound that lives with a bunch of tofu eating hippies. I look forward to hearing from you all and I will try to send letters to be updated to this blog every week or so.